Family Engagement to Boost Student Learning
Research shows that parental involvement in at-home learning has more than twice the effect on student test scores than parents’ education levels or socio-economic status. When family engagement is a targeted strategy for historically underserved students to reinforce high-quality curriculum and instruction, student learning multiplies.
We Help Districts and States Answer:
- How can educators effectively partner with families to support their child’s academic success?
- How do administrators tie family engagement with instructional practices to increase academic outcomes for historically underserved students?
- How do administrators support teachers and principals to build authentic partnerships with families?
- How do states effectively acknowledge the voice of all families to ensure equity for a wide range of diverse learning needs?
- How do states and districts establish trusted relationships with parents?
What we offer
Family Engagement ToolsEducators easily send to families welcoming and inclusive text messages with weekly activities in each family’s home language to reinforce classroom learning.
Family Engagement ConsultingFamily engagement consulting, centered around a framework and diagnostics for teachers, districts, states and other education organizations to build relationships with historically underserved families.
Thought LeadershipStates, districts, and schools build the capacity to implement and sustain equitable family engagement efforts.
State, District and School Leaders Who We Serve Focus on the Following:
- Family Engagement - Implement best-practices in family engagement strategies that are aligned with instructional goals.
- Curriculum and Instruction - Support preschool - 8th grade high-quality instructional materials in English Language Arts and Mathematics, Common Core ELA Standards, & SEL resources.
- Social and Emotional Learning - Build students’ social and emotional skills by inspiring and empowering parents to provide support at home.
- Federal Programs - Utilize federal funds to simultaneously achieve curricular and family engagement goals.
- Professional Development - Increase capacity in educators to overcome barriers and build authentic partnerships with families.
- Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion - Catalyze equitable family engagement by providing a strength-based approach to communication that is two-way and collaborative, in each family’s home language.
- Special Education - Provide meaningful opportunities to reinforce classroom learning at home, in a way that meets individual students’ needs.
- Administration - Build a strong educator-family-student connection with a high level of engagement through two-way communication.
We Address a Variety of District and State Improvement Efforts
Districts We Serve

Family Engagement Lab works nationally and serves school systems in:
- California
- Colorado
- Louisiana
- Maryland
- Texas
Case Study: LA Department of Education (LDOE)
Family Engagement Lab began its partnership with the Louisiana Department of Education (LDOE) in the 2018-2019 school year to bring FASTalk and its at-home ELA learning activities to families, schools, and districts across the state with a focus on supporting the education of, and improving results for, students with disabilities. Since that time, Family Engagement Lab has continued to work with LDOE as well as build direct relationships with school systems across the state.
FASTalk is used by:
Our partnership with Family Engagement Lab is supporting the opportunity to continue to engage with families through a virtual model (FASTalk) so that families understand how children develop and feel equipped to take action when there are concerns.
- Britt Braun, 919B Coordinator, Louisiana Department of Education
LA Students Using FASTalk Made 2.6x the Literacy Gains

After 8 weeks of ELA Guidebook-aligned messages, FASTalk students in Baton Rouge, LA had statistically significant higher spring literacy assessment scores than non-FASTalk peers, despite starting the year scoring behind. With FASTalk, students made 2.6x the literacy gains of similar non-FASTalk students.
View the full study.
View the full study.